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We want our program not only to draw inspiration from nature, but also to reflect its natural cycles and rhythms. That's why we decided to match the 12 planned topics to the attributes characteristic of particular seasons.


At the same time, let's use the "4 Bottom Line" concept, which talks about the synergy of four key factors contributing to achieving sustainable success in business, and these are:purpose, planet, people, profit. 


Poznaj naszych mentorów

Podczas naszej edukacyjnej podróży nie jesteÅ›my sami. Do grona ekspertów i ekspertek, którzy bÄ™dÄ… z nami w roli mentorów i mentorek, doÅ‚Ä…czajÄ… Å›wiatowej klasy specjaliÅ›ci w swoich dziedzinach. 

Cycles in nature in our program


Winter in our program symbolizes letting go of old mechanisms and beliefs to make room for reflection and renewal. This is the time of going down to the "roots", to the sense of meaning, personal and organizational mission. That is why we dedicate winter to the topic"purpose".


Summer is a time to interact with our surroundings and strengthen our initiatives by deepening relationships. Like plants that bloom and bear fruit, we focus on building connections in our network and building knowledge in the area"people". This is a very intense time where success comes from balancing work and rest.


Spring symbolizes the time of innovation and new ideas. It is a time to introduce new ideas and projects, just as nature comes to life with new buds. We dedicate spring to this topic"planets" and concepts inspired by nature, i.e. circular economy or mimicry. 


Autumn is the time to harvest the fruits of our efforts. This time of year, we focus on assessing and celebrating our achievements to date. It is also a period of planning future actions, bearing in mind the inevitable changes that may occur. That's why we dedicate this time to the area"profit". We will discuss topics such as sustainable business models, strategies for sustainable development and impactful projects. 

Meeting topics

Zapraszamy do 12, comiesiÄ™cznych spotkaÅ„ z ekspertami i ekspertkami oraz kwartalnych wyjazdów studyjnych. 


  • Sustainable development from the perspective of the values of family businesses

  • A business based on values and a sense of meaning

  • Study visit (place being confirmed)


  • Planetary boundaries

  • Innovations inspired by nature. Circular economy. 

  • Study visit (place being confirmed)


  • Human rights in business. Man in the center of business

  • Business as a force for good

  • Study visit (place being confirmed)


  • Impact startups

  • Sustainable business models and strategists

  • Responsible leadership for generations and for future generations

Your next step?

Our manifesto moves your heart and will to act? 


Just join us and sign up for the first meeting!

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