join us
We invite successors, owners, experts, as well as representatives of scientific and non-governmental communities to join the community. We want a resilient and diverse community that is a valuable part of the family business ecosystem to be our response to the deepening ecological, social and economic crisis that is happening before our eyes.
Do you want to join the community of people who disagree with the status quo and lack of responsibility towards future generations? Do you want to transform your business towards a future full of opportunities? Let's make this effort together!
The benefits of involvement
Creating positive changes
Zaangażowanie się w społeczność Pokolenia RE to Twoja szansa na wspieranie pozytywnych zmian w ekosystemie firm rodzinnych, zbudowanie wiedzy i kontaktów niezbędnych do wdrażania zrównoważonych zmian w Twoim środowisku.
Joining networks and building partnerships
Thanks to the community, you will be able to meet other allies, organizations, institutions and experts in the field of sustainable development and ESG.
Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
By joining the community, you participate in activities that contribute to the achievement of the following goals:
Goal 4: good quality of education
Goal 8: economic development and decent work
Goal 11: sustainable cities and communities
Goal 17: partnerships for the goals.
Community support
We are confident that the community will help you on your path to knowing, caring and changing in the area of sustainability.
Trzy poziomy zaangażowania
Started Jan 1, 1970
1 hr 30 min